



Camera’s basic function is to transmit what it 'sees' to a recording device, as well as to a user. Camera is the eye of the video surveillance system. Digital cameras record images through a CMOS or CCD sensor, whose quality also affects the quality of the recorded footage.



DVRs can be standalone, hybrid and server recorders. They all comply with the basic audio and video requirements, such as the conversion of signal from analogue to digital, compression, reproduction and network monitoring. All recorders use hard drive as storage.

Sensors and Alarms

Sensors and Alarms

Alarm centre is the brain of the alarm system. Depending on the model, it connects to a number of sensors/zones, processes data from sensors and gives out preprogrammed orders (sets off a siren, communicates with your phone or mobile).

U skladu s novom europskom regulativom, Vizura d.o.o. je nadogradila politiku privatnosti i korištenja kolačića. Kolačiće upotrebljavamo kako bismo vam omogućili korištenje naše online usluge, što bolje korisničko iskustvo i funkcionalnost naših web stranica, prikaz sadržaja i ostale funkcionalnosti koje inače ne bismo mogli pružati. Kolačići su anonimizirani te u svakom trenutku možete kontrolirati i konfigurirati postavke kolačića u vašem Internet pregledniku. Više informacija